Roseander Main?

Is the beautiful name of a beautiful road, deep in the heart of Canada’s wilderness. Many years ago, we cycled along it through a tortured, clear-cut landscape, to visit one of the last untouched, old-growth watersheds left in the area. The forest is still intact today and the road remains, a symbol of a pathway to hope.

We are…

remarkably, nearly 25 years old. We’ve had 158 clients, done more than 7,500 projects, and worked in multiple languages with tiny businesses, and international organizations.

We’ve never tried to be a big agency, preferring to stay closely connected to every project and every client. Some of those have been with us since day one and still going strong. It’s been a wonderful ride.

We do…

our best to give our clients a bit of a hard time. By persistently asking challenging questions, we can help create what they NEED, which is not always the same as what they ask for.

Good communications are the result of good process, and that process ALWAYS involves digging for the good bits. We take on that hard work so our clients can focus on their own tasks.

We think…

that at the end of the day, how we do things is often more important than what we do. Good quality work is the result of good quality relationships built on trust and reliability.

These attributes go both ways. Productive partnerships happen when both parties actively engage the space between them. We help each other to succeed.